1. Open the PDF you want to split and tap "More" in the top right corner.
2. Select "Split Pages" from the menu.
3. You will see 3 methods: Split by a number of pages, Split by maximum files, and Split by page ranges.
- Number of pages: Split the PDF into files containing up to a specified number of pages
- Maximum files: Averagely split the PDF into files by specifying a number of files
- Page ranges: Extract pages as a new PDF by specifying specific ranges of pages (eg. There is a 50-page PDF, and you set 20-30 and 41-49. PDF Reader would create 5 PDFs containing page 20-30 and 41-49.
4. Choose either option you need and then tap "Split"
5. The output files will be saved in the "Split & Merge" folder in the file list.
6. Or you can switch to "Explore" tab and tap "Split Pages" for the PDF splitter.
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